Monday, 10 February 2014

Phumla-Posh Turns 22


 I regarded 21 to have been the best age of my life. In fact if I could I would just stay forever young. Perhaps, aging is life's inevitable reality. This said taking note that I highlight 'aging'...Many people age but very few actually grow up.
As I marked yet another age milestone, it dawned to me that I have just one opportunity to leave a mark, to live a life. I decided that I would not merely exist and short change myself and others alike of an experience, a tale to tell, a memory  to hold on to, relationships to build and maintain and lessons to learn.
You simply learn nothing from taking no chances. As an avid theorist junkie, I live vicariously through learning from others while of course remaining true to self (I like to be asked what I want rather than being told what to settle for).
 Growth entails enriching your self concept, creating a brand of one self, being sure of who you are and not allowing others to script your life. You learn who are, your likes and dislikes, opinions through interactions with others. This is where our self concept is shaped.
God plays a major role in conditioning our persona's too. Being a Christian-fundamentalist-hardly religious, concepts of the bible offer guidance. I like teachings of faith because from growth we learn that regardless of religious inclination, faith is a universal basis of day to day life. 'Faith is using your last money to purchase a wallet,' one theorist once said. We live by faith, because no one promises tomorrow. But the key concept is to live.
Earlier in the day the draining thought of having to spend my day around bad energy really upset me but nonetheless from the decision  not to allow anything to get to me, I was looking very much forward to spending my day with the people that mean something to me. As social as people may perceive me to be, I have a very close knit circle of friends so I was clear that my birthday dinner would be as intimate as it was. Not forgetting the lovely messages and calls I received all day. Embracing love from the people who genuinely care is most important and returning the favour even better!
Thanks to everyone who made my day all too worth birthday ever!!

The girls dressed elegantly for dinner.


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