Tuesday, 8 October 2013

N DIY BEAUTY NEWS: Now this was an interesting one when I got to learn of it. Scientifically proven, goat milk conditions the skin and is said to be highly moisturising.
It’s high lactic acid content makes it a great moisturiser.  It also serves as a great beauty treatment if you add the recommended two cups of goat milk into your bath water and soak away! The promise is to leave your skin feeling immediately silky soft.
What makes this natural beauty treat work like a charm is that it contains less protein which enables quicker absorption into the skin. It is also a well known beauty aid in fighting against serious skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis.
It also has exfoliant qualities. After skin is treated with goat milk, it easily sloughs off old skin cells. To make your own exfoliant you can mix baking soda with goat milk and apply to the area that requires exfoliation (highly recommended for the most dehydrated parts of your skin).
The use of goat milk as a  replenishing beauty product is nothing new as it can be traced back to biblical times so next time you do your groceries, be sure to get yourself this fantastic natural product. 

Being a Buy Swazi aficionado, I found a locally made goat milk produced by Tisuka Taka Ngwane, Insika as the product reads on the packaging. My body unlike the face is severely dry and requires extra moisture. Soaking in goat milk is the first step in my routine and although this is relatively new to me -so far it has not disappointed.

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